What I Would Have
Worn Today
Graphite and ink on paper
The act of dressing attests far beyond being functional: it is one of the basic and latent forms of self-expression. It is adapted to the mood, the weather or an event. This preparation, the promise of a new day that lies in the act of dressing, remained folded in the closet following the first Covid-19 lockdown. This first wave hit right at the beginning of spring. The change of seasons winked at the dresses, the short shirts. All of my clothes filled my room as still life.
When the hanger in the drawings replaces the presence of the body, it emphasizes its absence. These are drawings of empty spaces. A body fills a garment as an act of fulfillment, but this attempt fails to cross the threshold.
When the hanger in the drawings replaces the presence of the body, it emphasizes its absence. These are drawings of empty spaces. A body fills a garment as an act of fulfillment, but this attempt fails to cross the threshold.